Monday, April 20, 2009

Future World Leaders

Most of my students are from Vietnam or Korea. There are the few and very far between who are from the U.S.A, Germany, Australia, Italy... I will not regale you with stories from my high school days, but the bulk of my time was not spent studying for the SAT. My students wake, study, eat, study, play an instrument to become "well rounded" and study again. Many of them attend academy after school hours and Saturday school. Sunday is family or church time, so the focus, job, purpose for these young people is to maintain a high GPA and ace the SAT.

The pictures above are two of my English 10 classes. Currently, we are studying poetry, so each student presented a favorite song and played the video for the class on youtube, then analyzed the lyrics with TP-CASTT structure. Here's what I learned from the student presentations and the chatting in-between presentations: most of my students LOVE pop songs and Sponge Bob, gossip about Friends, and read Twilight when they have a spare moment. Conclusion, teenagers are teenagers are teenagers. I sound like my parents.

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